Denton Jazz Workshops

While contemplating my favorite IfCM moments of recent years I spent some time reflecting on spring 2021. The U of A Community Music School jazz workshops were wrapping up for the semester and we had the opportunity to get together for a couple of in-person jam sessions after only meeting remotely for *the longest time*. Everyone was a bit nervous to get together outdoors at the Suzuki Music School for health and safety reasons but a large part of that anxiety (for me at least) was the exciting reintroduction to being able to play with people in the same physical space together. It was a little like having a high school reunion and picking up with old friends after only exchanging texts and emails for 10 years--a little bit awkward but totally refreshing since everyone has a bunch of common experiences and chatter to jump back into. (Again, we'd still been seeing each other on Zoom every week for more than a year but it felt like TEN YEARS). It was extremely fun and a reminder of how biologically necessary it is to have that type of live connection and communication on a regular basis. We were able to continue the in-person workshop vibe through a fantastic 2021 summer camp but since then it's been another too long break in teaching in-person jazz classes for me. But hold on to your jazz hats...

(thank you Jin, Virgil, David, and Tara for wearing hats at camp so they could be featured in this picture)

IfCM jazz workshops are back! I'm *extremely pumped* to announce the return of our in-person workshops and ensembles this fall with the Denton Jazz Workshops.  Since moving to Denton, TX last summer our family has experienced some of the wonderful jazz scene in town through the Denton Arts and Jazz Fest, UNT concert programing, and many live venues around town and the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area.  There is a vibrant scene of musicians, educators, and music appreciators here, and the IfCM is excited to connect with the community through these new offerings for youth and adults.

I'll be team-teaching two different classes along with fellow Eastman alum and saxophone/flute wizard Grace Frarey, so we'll be able to play a LOT in class. The Jazz Blues Workshop is for people just getting started playing jazz and the Jazz Repertoire Ensemble is for folks with more experience who wish to focus more in detail on jazz standards. All instruments and voice-types are welcome to join youth (11-17) and adult (18+) small groups.  No audition is required for the Jazz Blues Workshop, but there's a short audition requirement for the Jazz Repertoire Ensemble. Students will be placed in a combo with players of similar ability based on their experience and audition .

I'm very excited that we're hosting the classes at the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (DUUF), a community focused on creating "genuine inclusion, depth and joy, reason and spirit." 

Scholarships are available for youth and adults! We need support to make these workshops available to everyone who's interested regardless of their financial situation. YOU can donate $100, $150, $300 to support partial and full tuition to students in need (and any amount is welcome). PayPal Giving Fund covers all transaction fees to give your dollars have the most impact, but feel free to support in whichever way you chose. Please email me at with any questions or if you'd like to make a more substantial gift to the program or organization.

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